巴賽隆納 W hotel 品酒會

A wonderful wine tasting experience in Barcelona W hotel hold by Valenti Llagostera & Ramon Llagostera, two brothers in the winery family.

The offering selection of wines are:
- Les Crestes 2010,
- Salanques 2009, 2006,
- Doix 2009, 1999 (Magnum)
- Doix 1902 (vintage 2009)

The first presentation of their prestigious masterpiece:100% Carignan (Doix 1902), with grapes from more than 110 years old vines. (MUST TRY)

這是一場在巴賽隆那 W hotel 為美國人舉辦的一場品酒會!我竟然一次喝齊了Mas Doix 歷年來的傑作和尚未在市面上發表的Doix 1902, 超過110老藤的佳釀。超愛Doix 1999 的大瓶(Magnum)和Doix 1902,成熟穩健卻低調奢華的乾酶果味陣陣散發,讓人無話可說的魅力。

