Ferre i Catasus斐樂酒莊

Ferré i Catasús is the materialization of a project pursued for many years. It was the hopes and wishes of a man called Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús and a woman called Sònia Serrano Quetglas, who both wanted to mark a new horizon in wine culture.
It all started in the 30s, when Lluís Ferré Pascual, Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús’s father, and his mother, Maria Catasús Demenech, got married in secret. This impossible love entailed the loss of the inheritance that belonged to them by birthright.
Between the 60s and 70s, Josep Maria Ferré was an important businessman devoted to the food trade in Barcelona. This fact was the prelude to the return to his origin in Penedès.
In the 80s, together with Sònia Serrano, Josep Maria Ferré obtained several properties in Alt and Baix Penedès and he began to produce grapes for other wineries. However, he was not satisfied because he wanted to do more by creating a brand and a line of products that represented the essence of his project and that took the wine culture to all the different aspects of everyday life.
At the end of the 90s, Ferré i Catasús returned to the land of his birth and where his ancestors had already developed a winemaking task: La Granada (Alt Penedès). At that moment, he thought that his son, Lluís Ferré, could continue his dream and together they decided to launch the Ferré i Catasús’s winery.
Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús and Lluís Ferré built Masia Gustems, the old family house, where they installed the latest and most advanced technology and machinery for the production of wine and cava. They also reorientated the production of their lands so that Ferré i Catasús could completely self-produce their wines and cavas, from the vineyard to the final product.
In 2001, the winery launched its first products: Merlot, Xarel•lo and Carbernet, among others. Ferré i Catasús’s wines were born (in honour of its founder).
Since then, Ferré i Catasús entrusted the management of the project to his son. Lluís Ferré has changed Ferré i Catasús into a lively and growing company, where each and every department works in order to rediscover “good wine” and to create a new wine philosophy. Every member of the Ferré i Catasús team, starting with Lluís Ferré, is motivated by curiosity, the spirit of self-improvement and by a fierce instinct to innovate in each new product.
And so, Ferré i Catasús has received the recognition of experts and has won prizes in important international wine contests due to the daily work undertaken in the cellar by the whole team.


斐樂酒莊的誕生來自多年的計劃,由Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús先生與Sònia Serrano Quetglas女士兩者共同為葡萄酒文化打造出歷史新的一頁!而他們正是Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús的父母親。

一切始於30年代,當Lluís Ferré PascualMaria Catasús Demenech秘密結婚後,他們可貴的愛情讓他們依舊繼承了家業。在6070年代之間,兒子Josep Maria Ferré i Catasús在巴賽隆那致力於食品貿易,是一位相當傑出的生意人,也正在此時激起了他想為家鄉Penedès工作的熱枕。80 年代開始,他與他的父母親開始在位於Alt Baix Penedès的自有地生產釀酒葡萄,並且提供給其他的酒莊使用。不過Josep Maria卻希望能靠自己的力量建造出一個具有文化代表性的品牌,透過不同觀點看葡萄酒,並且將此文化深植每日的生活當中。


90年代末,Ferré i Catasús回歸到他出生之地La Granada (Alt Penedès),這裡已經有祖先打造下的釀酒歷史,此時此刻,他的兒子Lluís Ferré跟隨父親的腳步,並將之發揚光大,打造了Ferré i Catasús酒莊。父子倆在祖先留下的老房子中建立了Masia Gustems酒窖,裡頭設置了最先進的機器與技術以追求釀造出最好的酒與CAVA,他們也調整了酒莊系統,嚴格控管每個步驟,從葡萄種植一直到葡萄酒裝瓶都可以靠自己完成。

2001年,酒莊生產了第一瓶葡萄酒:使用MerlotXarelloCabertnet等葡萄品種,斐樂酒莊誕生(以祖先之名與榮耀)。從此開始,由Lluís Ferré管理整個酒莊的運作,每個部門合作無間、充滿創意與藝術的風格,對葡萄酒的品質更是無可挑剔的要求,創造出新時代對高品質葡萄酒的哲理詩章。好奇、自我要求、創新是每個酒莊團隊成員與Lluis對自己的要求,我們將這些理念完全實現在我們的每一瓶葡萄酒作品中。斐樂酒莊在世界各地重要的場合中榮獲無數次的品酒獎章與高分,這是我們日日夜夜的努力成果,來自於我們堅強的團隊。

We are a humane team proud of what we are and what we do. Our soul and work originate from this land which is deeply rooted to a tradition and a way of living and viewing the world. Our farmhouse which is called Masia Gustems reflects these values, knowledge and efforts. Here, Ferré i Catasús mixes tradition with the most innovative machinery in order to obtain the best quality from our crops and from this millennial fruit that is still a fundamental part of our culture and country. This results in young wines and fragrant cavas all with character. These wines and cavas are eager to discover and explore the world, without leaving behind their origins. This is reflected in its special and dazzling flavour and its personality.
As we know that each and every one of our wines and cavas are special, when they leave Masia Gustems, we make them stand out by labelling them in a stylish and personal way just as their names indicate. When you have a glass of Ferré i Catasús in your hands, we want you to have an outstanding sensation and to experience the birth of a new and longlasting relationship.


我們對我們的酒莊感到相當驕傲,一切的付出來自於對我們靈魂與土地的責任感,以及我們希望對鄉土文化與傳統的扎根,另外我們也希望傳達一種生活方式與世界觀給大家。我們的農場叫做Masia Gustems,傳達我們對葡萄酒價值、知識與努力的結晶。在這裡,斐樂酒莊將傳統與現在科技作結合,將酒質帶到最高品質的要求,也將代表我們國家文化、傳統的百年葡萄樹籐的歷史發揚光大,只選用最好的在地高品質葡萄。成果呢?我們開拓了CAVA西班牙氣泡酒外揚名國際的美名,也傳達給世界我們的理念:扎根、文化、CAVA氣泡酒特殊的風格。

眾所皆知,我們每一款酒與CAVA都非常特殊,當酒離開我們的莊園Masia Gustems時,我們貼上最能代表他們個性的酒標。當您品嘗一杯斐樂酒莊的葡萄酒時,我們希望能帶給您最不一樣的感受享受,如同初生的生命樂章,清爽、細緻、純潔、綿密、且尾運持久、充滿希望。


