Miss Vicky’s Wine #3: Beaujolais Angel talks about organic wines & feminine labels (Chinese & English version)

Yiting: Do you produce organic wine? How’s it?
Vicky: The organic wine I have in my range is from a vineyard that belongs to my cousins in South Beaujolais, it's a wonderful wine because it's truly different from any other Beaujolais. It gave a very delicate Beaujolais nouveau that you wouldn't have mixed up with any others, and most of connoisseurs love it!

Yiting: what's your opinion or attitude toward the idea of organic wines?
Vicky: I am all for organic wines as long as it allows the winemaker to feed his family. It's not always the case. Therefore, switching to an organic way of production must first come from the winemaker’s personal convictions and passion, then only endurance, success and happiness can follow.

Yiting: What will be the obstacles and difficulties for organic wine making?

Vicky: The work will still be hard but the workers will resist better to the difficulties on the way if they are passionate: lower production, more disease in the vines, more field work. And this doesn't stop many as more and more winemakers engage in this path in France today. Some of them are for the passion; others are just for the business and most divide the risks. Best is to carefully change the vineyard cultural way, one step after the other. You also have the biggest winemakers who have the money to invest and the capacity to fail. . My cousin have always lived in this philosophy, they eat organic food since childhood, having them having a non-organic vineyard would be a surprise. There is usually a logic in every winery history.Change is possible but it takes time. 

Yiting: What do you think about your design of labels? Will some feminine designed labels keep men away?

Vicky: The feminine labels can certainly close up some markets, but not necessarily the masculine ones. Having a different labels means you take a position. The funny thing is that I don't make girly wines and the winemakers who make them are mostly men, I'm a woman, I am in wine and this was rare enough to be remarkable when I started Miss Vicky Wine,  it doesn't mean I am a feminist. I'm not sure this should work in China where they like the classics, I imagine it to work in big capital, trendy bars: Tokyo or New York should be the place for exemple... And after all, why should anyone care about a girl on a bottle, did anyone complain about all these men yet?
女性化的酒標的確會把自己限制在某些市場裡,不過不見得是男性市場,擁有不同的酒標正代表著你決定的市場定位。有趣地說我不做女性的酒,而那些釀酒的人也幾乎都是男生,我只是Miss Vicky Wine,而這就是這些酒的定位,我不是很確定這樣子的風格是否在大陸行的通(比較走向高檔與大酒莊),但是我可以想像在紐約和東京的時髦酒吧裡可能行的通。畢竟,誰會在乎在酒標上是否有個女孩畫像呢?至少那些男人們一句抱怨都沒有吧??(微笑)

